the future of materiality
experimenting and researching bioplastics, biomaterials, and creative processes to build possible new futures in balance with nature
areas of action
Art ____
Contemporary Jewelry
Design fashion
Materials development
Digital Fabrication
Collabs ________
if | else
Contemporary Jewelry
Exploring the potential of jewelry as a mediator of the internal and the external. Designing attentively to urgent issues, concerning the dissolution of gender limits, generates the least possible environmental impact, and social issues. In an ethical, experimental, authorial, and innovative way. Experimenting with the waste that we find in the cities and with the development of new biodegradable materials.
Bioplastics and Biocelulose
Research development and fabrication of a biodegradable plastic. A Gelatin-based bioplastic made with accessible and simple materials. Research and development of bioplastic wearables, artworks, and accessories. Research development and collaboration with SCOBY microorganisms to make biocellulose, a biodegradable material. Research and development of biocellulose wearables, artworks, and accessories.